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There’s a lot of insects out there that it may be hard sometimes to make out which one you are seeing. Such is the case with some species of cockroaches like the Oriental Cockroach and the American cockroach which have often been nicknamed as waterbugs. This can be confusing because there are a class of insects that are actually (and correctly) called water bugs. In this article we will do our best to clear up the confusion and show you how to tell the difference between these similar looking pests that you may encounter in your home or yard.
Waterbugs refers to a class of insects that come from the Hemiptera order of bugs. There are quite a number of these pests such as the Giant water bug, water boatman, water scorpions. As their name indicates, these pests like to live and thrive in water. They are gifted with strong legs that they use as paddles to easily swim through water. Waterbugs can often be an issue when you have a swimming pool as they will travel from other areas to reside on a pool surface. For example, some water bugs such as water boatman have wings and can fly around. If they like your pool, they will fly down and make it their new home. Waterbugs are predators and eat mosquitoes, algae and other small pests to sustain themselves. Waterbugs have a painful bite and will bite humans if they get too close. They have even earned the nickname, “toe biters” because of their biting habits. Waterbugs also have an affinity for water and will gather around light sources which has earned them another nickname of “electric light bugs”.