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Baby Silverfish

Silverfish Life Cycle A female silverfish can lay her eggs anywhere in the home. They choose hidden, humid places to store their eggs. Within the next 20 to 40 days, these eggs hatch. You can also refer to these babies as a nymph. Baby silverfish are the nymphs of silverfish that will then become adults. When they remain in their ideal environment, they are most likely to become mature within 3 months. All in all, the process of transformation lasts for a year. Eventually, when they become adults and live in a favorable environment, they are likely to live for three years Appearance Unlike the mothers, baby silverfish, which are also referred to as a nymph, are so small that it will take you a lot of effort to see them. They are usually around 1/16 inch long. Typically, silverfish do not experience metamorphosis. Thus baby silverfish will be less likely to be easily differentiated from an adult. For example, they have the same features as the adult including the long antennae, six legs, and three long posterior appendages. You would only notice their difference when they have changed their color. And that seems to be the significant difference between the adult. Even before they get this silver-like body, they must have gone through four molts. Silverfish Lifespan As noted before, their lifespan is hinged on their environment. They are fond of places that have a high level of humidity as well as a dark place. They are, therefore, insects that love serenity and peace. In such a favorable environment, they are likely to live for three years. Silverfish Reproduction Patterns To mate, silverfish do a little dance. When the two insects touch each other with their antennae, they process to chase each other. Afterwards, they spin erratically in various positions until they are ready to mate. Their dance is a once in a lifetime dance because the female species can rarely lay more than one batch of eggs in a lifetime. The clusters of eggs always have about 2 to 50 eggs per time. These eggs are laid in cracks of walls. You cannot see them unless you have a microscopic eye. Silverfish Habitat As hinted before, Silverfish favor places with high moisture and have a temperature between 70 and 80 Fahrenheit. That is why you are likely to see them more in your basement, bathrooms, laundry rooms, and kitchens. They might even hide in your attics, bookcase, closets, or even storage areas. They are known to survive in almost any environment, but there is every assurance of finding them in a place with high humidity. You might even find them outside. They hide in the nests they build themselves as well as the ones made by other insects and animals.Damages Caused Contamination: With baby silverfish in the house, you are assured of finding similarities in the damage they cause to the home. As noted with the adult, they also cannot cause physical harm to humans as they are not known to house any progeny. So, don’t make a fuss about your health. In the case of your property and home, however, they are likely to wreak havoc. They also love food rich in protein and carbohydrates. And you would see them going for things such as paper and clothing products. You might find them contaminating your food, especially cereals, grains, and flour. Destruction: They are known for their love for glues because of their desire to eat protein. You would find them in the pages of books, eating curtains, carpets, wallpaper. They also eat fabric, cotton, linen, as well as silk. In case you find holes in your clothes, then you have an infestation of baby silverfish or their adults. They are also known for their ability to make a yellow discoloration on items. If you find any on the pages of your book, then you better start making preparations for a search for them. How to Attack Any Sign of Infestation You should understand that the presence of baby silverfish means there are adults around too. Thus, having a little indication of their presence in your house is called to work. Imagine you encounter one and do nothing. In the next few months, the female silverfish would have made a lot of eggs in her batch. You do not want to have a house infested when you can quickly do something against it now. Even if the house has been infected, these methods can be useful in riding the house of their problem.

  1. Ventilation: You might want to open the ventilation in your basement or crawl spaces. They are likely to be there.
  2. Use Bathroom Fans: While taking showers, you might want to use bathroom fans.
  3. Debris Out!: Dispose of leaves and any wet debris you can find around your home.
  4. Dehumidifier: You can try the use of a dehumidifier.
  5. Old Papers Out: Another thing you might want to consider is disposing of old newspapers and magazines.
  6. Keep Everything Dry: Preserve your cereals, pasta, flour, and dry foods in airtight containers.
  7. Avoid placing cardboard or paper materials in your basement
  8. Dust and vacuum regularly.
  9. Clean up food crumbs.
Most of the things above are preventive measures. You can trap the most popular method for fighting them off: Trap them. There are several means of trapping Silverfish. The most important work is to determine where you will place the trap. Ensure you know where these silverfish are most likely to hide. Some of the most popular traps are
  1. Jar method, which involved baiting them with items that will pull them off.
  2. Newspaper, which involved wrapping a newspaper near their home and making them come for it. All you need do is to make sure the newspaper is wet and closed at another end. When you are done, avoid unwrapping it. Burn the paper instead.
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If you want to go natural, use:
  1. Spices like sage, bay leaves are some of the smells Silverfish hate
  2. Mothball
  3. Citrus sprays
  4. Lavender oil
  5. Cucumber slices
Harris Boric Acid is a perfect solution for controlling and eliminating silverfish and their babies. A long lasting solution that when kept dry will work for almost a year. Silverfish can survive inside our homes, but control is easy to achieve if you use the knowledge of their habitats, food source and reproduction to your advantage. Check out our Ultimate Guide to Getting Rid of Silverfish.